Yellow Submarine (DVD) 17 July 1968

5 Star Rating ****

Yellow Submarine is an animated feature using the plot of The Beatles being sent to Pepperland to liberate the enslaved inhabitants with music. It is a great little movie which has aged well. Its just a pity that The Beatles didn't voice the characters!

Directed by George Dunning
Live-action sequences: Dennis Abey
Produced by Al Brodax
Screenplay by Lee Minoff, Al Brodax, Jack Mendelsohn, Erich Segal, Roger McGough 
Story by Lee Minoff


John Clive – John
Geoff Hughes – Paul
Peter Batten – George
Paul Angelis – Ringo / Chief Blue Meanie / George / Narrator
Dick Emery – Jeremy / Lord Mayor / Max
Lance Percival – "Young/Old" Fred
The Beatles (live cameo at the end)

Music by The Beatles / George Martin
Edited by Brian J. Bishop
Production company  Apple Films / King Features Syndicate / TVC London / Subafilms, inc.
Distributed by United Artists
Release dates 17 July 1968
Running time 87 minutes
Budget £250,000


  1. "Pepperland" (George Martin) Orchestral
  2. "March of The Meanies" (George Martin) Orchestral
  3. "Yellow Submarine"
  4. "A Beginning" (George Martin) Orchestral
  5. "Eleanor Rigby"
  6. "Love You To" (George Harrison) (excerpt, played during George's entrance)
  7. "A Day in the Life" (excerpt, orchestral swell, starting as the Submarine takes off)
  8. "All Together Now"
  9. "Sea of Time" (George Martin) Orchestral
  10. "When I'm Sixty-Four"
  11. "Only a Northern Song" (Harrison)
  12. "Sea of Monsters" (George Martin) Orchestral
  13. "Nowhere Man"
  14. "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"
  15. "Sea of Holes" (George Martin) Orchestral
  16. "Sea of Green" (a short vocal excerpt when Ringo finds the green hole that leads to Pepperland)
  17. "Yellow Submarine In Pepperland" (trad arr Lennon-McCartney) Orchestral
  18. "Pepperland Laid Waste" (George Martin) Orchestral
  19. "Think for Yourself" (Harrison) (short excerpt) 
  20. "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"
  21. "With a Little Help from My Friends" (short excerpt) 
  22. "All You Need Is Love"
  23. "Baby, You're a Rich Man" (excerpt) 
  24. "Hey Bulldog" 
  25. "It's All Too Much" (Harrison)
  26. "All Together Now"